On 07 September, the project partners of the project met for the final event in Murska Sobota, Slovenia. In addition to the Aufbauwerk, the host and the city of Leipzig, partners from Spain, Italy and Poland participated in the hybrid organized event. The results of the last 5 project years on sustainable issues were…
E-MOB project makes proposals for e-mobility in Leipzig with action plan
Based on the cooperation in the E-Mob project, Aufbauwerk is working on an action plan with suggestions for improving e-mobility in Leipzig. Together with the Office for Economic Development, Aufbauwerk has analyzed the numerous good practices of the other project regions collected in the E-Mob project. The action plan is available here.
E-Mob Partner for Peer Review in Leipzig
Already on 27.06.2022 the European partners from the e-mobility project E-Mob were in Leipzig for a peer review. Mobility expert Christoph von Radowitz gave the representatives of regional development agencies, municipalities and transport companies from Austria, Romania, Hungary, France, Croatia, Greece and Spain an introduction to the topic of “Sustainable mobility in Leipzig” at the…
SACHE F- Finale Event
On June 14, the final event of our project Smart Accelerators for Cultural Heritage Entrepreneurship (SACHE) took place in Venice. The project results were reviewed and all partners were able to present their work. There were exciting discussions and deep insights into all project regions. Here in Saxony, too, we can look back on successful…
Aufbauwerk submits applications for new Interreg call for funding
Aufbauwerk has submitted three project applications on behalf of its shareholders for the new funding call of the transnational EU programme Interreg Europe. In this way, Aufbauwerk wants to continue to bring new approaches to the Leipzig region in the coming years and to carry successful practices from the region to Europe. Together with partners…
SACHE: Creative Workshop – Between PopArt and PopUp Store
It’s down to business. A creative workshop will take place in Oschatz on 09.06. 2022 from 6 am. The aim is a presentation and networking networking between companies, creative people, artists and cultural workers. SACHE describes a European project that supports actors in support actors in building up creative networks. Results and approaches that have…
SACHE: From Saxony to Venice – Urban Art and Country Charm
Dear creatives, dear cultural practitioners, our project for networking culture and the creative industries is entering its final round – and we even get to present the results at a big European conference in Venice in June! To celebrate this in a fitting manner, we invite everyone who networked at the seminars, the online pitch…
RESQUE network plans continuation of successful integration projects under WIR funding appeal
Together with its partners from the ReSQuE 2.0 project, Aufbauwerk is planning a new project for counselling and qualifying refugees for the labour market within the framework of the “WIR – Networks integrate refugees into the regional labour market” funding call. The successful work of the ReSQuE 2.0 project is to be continued, but at…
EU project SACHE stimulates regional innovative clusters in the cultural sector
The SACHE project expands and strengthens the role of cultural heritage sites, symbols and values by transforming them into Smart Accelerators of Creative Heritage Entrepreneurship (SACHE) based on a newly developed Central European model. Museums, galleries, theatres and festivals are conceived not only as sites of education or entertainment, but also as accelerators, i.e. cultural…
Aufbauwerk plans new project ideas for the region and Europe
The launch of the first call for funding in the European Interreg EUROPE programme on 5 April marks the beginning of an exciting period of project development at Aufbauwerk. Aufbauwerk is already working on participation in the first call of the Interreg EUROPE programme, which begins on 5 April with a digital kick-off event. In…