The vision of EMBRACER: A video on the project on intermodal and climate resilient mobility

A video was produced for our new project EMBRACER, which can be viewed below. EMBRACER, which stands for “Interconnecting MoBility acRoss europeAn CitiEs and subuRbs,” is a region-focused project that brings together seven previously underserved regions. Our goal is to integrate public transportation with informal modes – e.g., bicycling, ride services, car/bike/scooter sharing, on-demand transportation,…

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EMBRACER Kick-off in Portugal: New horizons for sustainable mobility in underserved regions of Europe

In the heart of Portugal, the first partner meeting of the EMBRACER project (Interconnecting MoBility acRoss EuropeAn CitiEs and SubuRbs) took place, focusing on interconnecting mobility in European cities and suburbs. This project, supported by a grant of 1.6 million euros, runs from March 2023 to May 2027 and focuses on seven underserved regions in…

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Successful Kick-off Meeting and Workshop: WEEEWASTE Project Advances Recycling Efforts

The event started on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, with a kick-off meeting at the Ministry of Industry and Trade CZ in Prague. The agenda included partner introductions, discussion on project results and work plan, as well as communication and dissemination. After the meeting, participants prepared for the Study Visit held at Praktik System s.r.o. in…

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Discovering Santiago’s Natural Treasures: GIFT Project’s Inaugural Meeting

On 6 and 7 June 2023, the kick-off meeting of the Interreg Europe project GIFT (Green Infrastructure for Trees and Forests) took place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Ten project partners from nine countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Croatia, Latvia, Sweden, Italy, Slovenia) met to discuss the implementation of the project and define common goals.…

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E-MOB project presents results: Conference on E-Mobility in Sibiu, Romania on May 11, 2023

The Interreg Europe project E-MOB is organizing a high-level dissemination event titled “Electrifying Europe: Regional Policies and Strategies as Key Drivers of E-Mobility” in Sibiu, Romania on May 11, 2023. The event will bring together a diverse group of e-mobility experts, stakeholders, and project partners to discuss the role of regional strategies in promoting e-mobility.…

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Great Response to the REVIERPIONIER Idea Competition: Over 300 Ideas for Structural Change Submitted

In its first competition year, the REVIERPIONIER Idea Competition, launched by the State Chancellery and Ministry of Culture in 2022, has met with great response from the public and civil society actors. In total, over 300 project ideas for structural development in the Saxony-Anhalt district were submitted. Prime Minister Dr. Reiner Haseloff explains: “I would…

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Aufbauwerk invites you to an information event on the “Second Life Kaufhaus Leipzig” project

On March 28, 2023, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Aufbauwerk and Stadtreinigung Leipzig invite you to an online event for the Second Life Kaufhaus Leipzig project as part of the “Zukunftsfähige Zentren Leipzig (ZZL)” initiative. The Second Life Kaufhaus Leipzig, operated by Stadtreinigung Leipzig, is an innovative concept for sustainable consumption and circular economy…

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