On 28 March 2023, the official launch of the mFund project “Digital Design of Urban Space Leipzig” (diGuRal) was celebrated at the premises of ScaDS.AI in Leipzig. Representatives from science, politics, administration, civil society and business were invited to get to know the project and exchange ideas and opinions. Participation was possible both on site and online.
The project partners presented diGuRaL at an event. The kick-off began with an inspiring presentation by Richard Weisheit from Stadtreinigung Leipzig and Sebastian Graetz from the City of Leipzig. Here, the opportunities of digitalisation and the benefits of mobility data were explained.
After a short break, participants had the opportunity to see demonstrations of ScaDS.AI before Mirko Mühlpfort from the City of Leipzig presented the Connected Urban Twin project and discussed potential synergies with diGuRal. Eric Peukert from ScaDS.AI then explained how diGuRaL will use artificial intelligence to recognise and anonymise sensor data. Finally, Klemens Muthmann from Cyface GmbH and Sebastian Gottwald from ccc GmbH presented the possible sensor camera technology for the project.
Afterwards, there was still an opportunity for the participants to engage in conversation.
The project will optimise the coverage of Leipzig’s road network by using modern sensor and camera technologies on the waste disposal vehicles of Stadtreinigung Leipzig to collect anonymised data on road conditions. Machine learning models for recognising and anonymising image data from road traffic are being further developed at ScaDS.AI at the University of Leipzig. The City of Leipzig then processes the innovative data, opening up exciting application possibilities for areas such as transport and logistics, public administration, construction and infrastructure, and the automotive industry.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport as part of the mFUND innovation initiative with a total of €1,873,882 and will run for three years.
You can access the presentation under the following link: diGuRaL – Kickoff presentation (german)