The SACHE project expands and strengthens the role of cultural heritage sites, symbols and values by transforming them into Smart Accelerators of Creative Heritage Entrepreneurship (SACHE) based on a newly developed Central European model. Museums, galleries, theatres and festivals are conceived not only as sites of education or entertainment, but also as accelerators, i.e. cultural engines that mobilise and foster the energies of small creative enterprises. Our aim is to widen access to cultural heritage as well as the production of value-added services and to encourage the development of innovative clusters of CCIs around each SACHE. The project helps to promote cross-sectoral cooperation with other industrial and service sectors, especially in the field of digital technologies.

Within the framework of the SACHE project, the partners have organised various “pitching” and “matching” events in the regions. In the course of these activities, a number of collaborations between cultural practitioners and the creative sector have been established.

The results of these collaborations can be found in the project brochure:

SACHE Broschüre