Aufbauwerk at the closing event of RATIO in Zaragoza, Spain

Aufbauwerk was in Zaragoza, Spain, for the closing event of the RATIO project. Together with the lead partner from the Spanish city and partners from Latvia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal and Italy, the project results of the last two years were presented and discussed. In the morning, company representatives from the Aragon region were…

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Districts in the Leipzig region exchange ideas on location marketing

The heads of the economic development departments of the districts of Leipzig, Central Saxony and Northern Saxony will meet on 22 March to exchange information on location marketing measures and regional value chains within the framework of the regional budget project. The three districts want to strengthen the implementation of their regional budgets and explore…

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Matching event for Saxon cultural and creative scene

On 10 February, a matching event will take place in Flöha as part of the EU SACHE project. The upcoming event will take place as a regional pilot action within the SACHE project, which aims to promote cultural heritage as an accelerator for creative entrepreneurship. Entitled “Culture and Creative Winter Market”, this matching event will…

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7th Peer Review E-MOB (online) in Austria

The seventh peer review in the E-MOB project took place online. It was hosted by the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg from Austria. The Interreg Europe project E-MOB, in which Aufbauwerk is the lead partner, aims to improve electric mobility solutions in regional passenger transport systems. The regular exchange of partners and external experts through…

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