SACHE: Creative Workshop – Between PopArt and PopUp Store

It’s down to business. A creative workshop will take place in Oschatz on 09.06. 2022 from 6 am. The aim is a presentation and networking networking between companies, creative people, artists and cultural workers. SACHE describes a European project that supports actors in support actors in building up creative networks. Results and approaches that have…

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RESQUE network plans continuation of successful integration projects under WIR funding appeal

Together with its partners from the ReSQuE 2.0 project, Aufbauwerk is planning a new project for counselling and qualifying refugees for the labour market within the framework of the “WIR – Networks integrate refugees into the regional labour market” funding call. The successful work of the ReSQuE 2.0 project is to be continued, but at…

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EU project SACHE stimulates regional innovative clusters in the cultural sector

The SACHE project expands and strengthens the role of cultural heritage sites, symbols and values by transforming them into Smart Accelerators of Creative Heritage Entrepreneurship (SACHE) based on a newly developed Central European model. Museums, galleries, theatres and festivals are conceived not only as sites of education or entertainment, but also as accelerators, i.e. cultural…

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Districts in the Leipzig region exchange ideas on location marketing

The heads of the economic development departments of the districts of Leipzig, Central Saxony and Northern Saxony will meet on 22 March to exchange information on location marketing measures and regional value chains within the framework of the regional budget project. The three districts want to strengthen the implementation of their regional budgets and explore…

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RATIO facilitates exchange on successful measures to support businesses in the COVID crisis

On 8 March, as part of the EU RATIO project, we shared successful measures to support SMEs in the COVID crisis with project partners, entrepreneurs, business promoters and regional representatives. The participants talked about the challenge they faced due to the Corona crisis in the last two years. Many enterprises have experienced financial difficulties. SMEs…

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Matching event for Saxon cultural and creative scene

On 10 February, a matching event will take place in Flöha as part of the EU SACHE project. The upcoming event will take place as a regional pilot action within the SACHE project, which aims to promote cultural heritage as an accelerator for creative entrepreneurship. Entitled “Culture and Creative Winter Market”, this matching event will…

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