Since 2009, the RESQUE 2.0 project (REfugees Support for QUalification and Employment) has been providing assistance to refugees with labor market access and prospects of remaining in the country for vocational qualification and placement in the labor market. Unfortunately, the funding of the project now expires at the end of September 2022. In the new EU funding period from 2022 to 2027, the RESQUE 2.0 project was unfortunately no longer considered. We regret this very much. Nevertheless, we are grateful that our employees in the project have been able to help numerous clients over the years and have thus given them a perspective for the future. Many thanks to all employees and project partners.
Project partners of RESQUE 2.0 are:
- Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH
- Caritasverband Leipzig e.V.
- Deutsche Angestellten- Akademie GmbH
- Stadt Leipzig Referat für Migration und Integration