The State Chancellery and Ministry of Culture of Saxony-Anhalt is calling on all citizens, associations, schools, kindergartens, and other institutions to submit their own ideas for shaping the structural change in the Saxony-Anhalt lignite district. Applications for the REVIERPIONIER Idea Competition can be submitted until March 12, 2023 at
The State Secretary responsible for the structural change in the Central German District, Dr. Jürgen Ude, explains: “We are on the home stretch of the REVIERPIONIER Idea Competition. We have already received many responses, but I am sure that there are still many great ideas in the district on how we can shape the structural change with and by the local people.”
Participation is worth it for small, medium and large projects alike, as they are awarded in different prize levels and categories. Interested parties can find all background information, conditions, terms of participation, questions and answers, as well as a guide to assist with project submission on the website
“The projects should promote sustainable development from an economic, ecological or social perspective within the region. Measures for climate protection also play an important role in the evaluation of ideas. The submission of project ideas via an online form is very simple and unbureaucratic. This sets the competition apart from other formats,” says project leader Annett Kautz from the Metropolitan Region of Central Germany.
REVIERGESTALTEN: In this category, the community is in the foreground. Project ideas that improve the quality of life in the Central German district of Saxony-Anhalt and strengthen civil society engagement and understanding for a sustainable future are sought.
ZUKUNFTGESTALTEN: The structural change particularly affects future generations. Thus, the focus of this category is on projects for and by children and young people. Topics such as mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (STEM), social, crafts, sports and culture form the project basis. Minors can submit their ideas with the support of an adult representative.
GRÜNDERGESTALTEN: This category promotes start-ups in the pre-founding phase. Innovative and new approaches to structural and climate protection are sought. The regional focus and the degree of innovation play a special role in these business ideas.
Prize Levels
Within the competition, the submitted projects are distinguished by their size into “small”, “medium”, and “large”. The maximum prize money in the small prize level is 4,500 euros, in the medium level 12,000 euros, and for large project ideas 21,000 euros. The GRÜNDERGESTALTEN category includes a prize money of a flat 6,000 euros.
The REVIERPIONIER project team can be reached at or 0341/600 16 270. Detailed information about the competition can be found at