
In the project RURES (duration 07/2017 – 06/2020) everything is about the advancement of Renewable Energies in rural areas. Municipalities have energy efficiency plans, normally. The project aims to implement those plans by carrying out concrete pilot actions and analyzing further potentials of economic development. Specific tasks lay in collecting and analyzing Best practices, elaborating feasibility studies, analyzing value chains in municipalities and the interregional comparison of those by means of an online calculator tool.

The pilot action for Middle-Saxony is about the installation of an innovative heat recovery system in a gym of the City of Leisnig.

The project consortium consists of 12 partner organizations like municipalities and regional energy agencies.

12 partners from five countries from Central Europe: Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH (DE), City of Leisnig; Association of Municipalities Polish Network “Energie Citiés” PNEC (PL), Pałecznica Municipality (PL); Development agency Sinergija (SI); Local Energy Agency Pomurje (SI); West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. (HU); Zala County Government (HU); Medimurje energy agency Ltd. (HR); Public institution for the development of the Medimurje County (HR); Technical University of Ostrava (CZ).


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