
For 10 years already, the partner of the RESQUE Network stands for the improvement of the integration of refugees and asylum seekers. In the middle of 2016 the projects RESQUE 2.0 and RESQUE CONTINUED pursued the work of their preceeding projects RESQUE and RESQUE PLUS. It ist the aim to facilitate integration into and through work and apprentisceship as well as to improve succes in school for refugees and asylum seekers. Especially adolescents are adressed.


RESQUE 2.0 and RESQUE CONTINUED comprise offers of guidance, qualification and relaying. Among other things, the topics are: questions of transition between school, apprenticeship and profession, the approval of degrees, already acquired, career guidance, interview training, PC-training and individual support in case of the resumption of school education. It is also of great importance to inform and sensitize enterprises, job agencies and public administrations to the special conditions and concerns at work, during integration of refugees in apprenticeship and job market.


The RESQUE network consists of the partners: Department for Migration and Integration, Caritasverband Leipzig e.V., Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH, Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie GmbH Leipzig.


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