On August 1, 2008, the district of Central Saxony has been founded. Since 2017, the district has been working on the project “Regionalbudget”, funded by the State of Saxony. The first three-year funding period (03/2017 – 05/2020) has been successfully implemented. The aim was to improve the regional cooperation and regional marketing activities. An additional three-year funding period (09/2020 – 08/2023) was granted afterwards. During the extension, a special focus will be on the mobilization and strengthening of regional growth potential in order to further strengthen the district of Central Saxony as a sustainability region and business and technology location.
The working structure consists of two levels:
- the strategic advisory body “Mittelsachsen-Kovent”
- as well as the working group “Dacharbeitskreis”, whose members are companies from the region who help shape the orientation of the individual funding measures
Aufbauwerk, as a municipal cooperation of the district of central Saxony, has been coordinating the application and implementation of the project since 2017.
Further questions?
Contact us: info(at)