On March 28, 2023, the official launch of the mFund project “Digital Design of the Urban Space Leipzig” (diGuRal) will take place. We cordially invite representatives from science, politics, administration, civil society, and the economy to the project’s kick-off on March 28, 2023, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the ScaDS.AI Living Lab (Löhrs…
Final Sprint for the REVIERPIONIER Idea Competition – Submissions Possible Until March 12, 2023
The State Chancellery and Ministry of Culture of Saxony-Anhalt is calling on all citizens, associations, schools, kindergartens, and other institutions to submit their own ideas for shaping the structural change in the Saxony-Anhalt lignite district. Applications for the REVIERPIONIER Idea Competition can be submitted until March 12, 2023 at www.revierpionier.de. The State Secretary responsible for…
Structural Transformation: Launch of the REVIERPIONIER Ideas Competition
From now on, citizens as well as clubs, associations, schools, kindergartens, and other institutions can participate in the REVIERPIONIER ideas competition with their ideas for structural transformation in the lignite mining region of Saxony-Anhalt. Applications can be submitted until March 12, 2023. A total of one million euros in prize money is available. The “Structural…
mFund project DiGuRaL plans digital mapping of Leipzig’s streets
The project “Digital Design of Leipzig’s Urban Space” (diGuRaL), funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV), aims to bring together, process and harmonise existing and new data on stationary and flowing traffic to enable intelligent traffic management and data-based innovations. To this end, the six project partners, consisting of Aufbauwerk, the…
Leipzig IQ Network begins its work
The Leipzig IQ Network started its work in the new year. The project is a cooperation between Aufbauwerk, the Department for Migration and Integration of the City of Leipzig, the association Wirtschaft für ein weltoffenes Sachsen e.V., the DAA Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie, the Leipzig Chamber of Crafts, the ZAW Zentrum für Aus- und Weiterbildung Leipzig, the…